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Space Association of Australia Inc.

March Virtual Meeting | News, Views & Activities

Mon, 23 Mar 2020
07:30 PM - 09:30 PM

As previously announced, the Space Association of Australia has reluctantly cancelled its regular public meeting that was scheduled for Monday night, for public health reasons.

However, the space news never stops so we are launching our very first virtual meeting!

This will a bit of an experiment but should be loads of fun. To watch, simply click on the following link on Monday night, have some headphones or speakers ready to go and a microphone if you'd like to ask questions.

You can watch via a web browser or download some software (Zoom). You'll be able to make comments and ask questions. If anyone misbehaves, you'll be kicked out.

We suggest for those that are joining using your smartphones that you download the free Zoom app before the meeting. Those that are joining on their computer can just use their web browser. You can also choose to have your video camera active or off.

In order to simulate the true SAA meeting don’t forget to have a chicken parmigiana for dinner!

We'll have a short round up of SAA activities, local and global space news and some gorgeous videos, and maybe a few surprises!

Date: Monday, 23 March 2020
Time: 19:30-21:30 AEDT
Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/778776855?pwd=SHNEdy9jeE9HV1B4UllaR1cvV0I1dz09

PO Box 351, Mulgrave, Victoria, 3170, Australia

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